Saturday 13 July 2013

Day 11- Macro amount of micro-lessons :)

Thursday happened to the hardest working day of all...
In the morning some warm-ups and attention or speaking games, but then each participant had to present an activity that we use or think could be used in classrooms, joining everyone in it. Well, should be easy as we all do them in our everyday work, but... Not so easy to choose which one to present and how. Even worse if somebody before you already did the same.
It was all very interesting to see, hear and try out, to be honest, and also to observe our group mates how they do it all- giving instructions, the choice of the activity etc. The afternoon session went on and on without any break so we occasionally sneaked out to the loo or for a sip of tea.
By the end of the day many of us had a large notebook full of notes or the memory of the camera full. Will be a real tough job to put them down here in the blog now, but I'll do my best :)
Pictures and videos will be posted separately.

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